Oops! Time for catching up!

I have ignored my brand new blog!  School, plus expecting a baby has distracted me from blogging, something I intend to rectify!

So first...baby is here!  Caris was brought into the world via emergency c-section on June 1.  She was perfect- I was the problem.  But thankfully we are both healthy.  Now doc is wondering when I am to have the next!

Caris is wonderful, even when she is screaming her head off and I don't know why.  Everyone falls in love with her the minute they see her, especially when she was first born.  Being only 5lbs 6oz, she was tiny and just a handful.

School is done until August.  Two A's and one A-, so not bad. :)  I'm taking Poetry, Creative non-fiction and Intro to Theology next term.  Should be interesting.


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