Another Christmas Come and Gone...

I'm taking a trip down memory lane this evening.  As I sit in my living room (that has puked Disney princesses, mind you), I think back to Christmas last year, and the year before.  It's very true when they say having a baby will change your life, but even more so when you go from just the two of you on Christmas morning, to three of you.
Caris' Third Christmas 2011

This was the first time Caris actually ripped open presents and became excited when she saw what her present was.  It's a little bittersweet; she's growing up so very fast!  This year, we had to get out of her way!  After a brief misunderstanding that Santa was not coming to take her princesses away, but rather, to bring her some more, everything was as it should be.  How she came up with the notion that Santa was coming to take them away, I have no idea.  There's no photo with Santa this year...mostly because whenever she came within 10 feet of him, she became terrified and burst into tears.  Ah...the drama of being 2 1/2 and having to deal with Santa Claus!  

Caris' First Christmas 2009
Her very first Christmas was completely different.  She couldn't even crawl, let alone rip open any presents.  I think she knew something was up, however.  Her smile said it all.  That year, Santa was just someone whose lap she sat on and pulled fiercely on the long white beard.  The tree was just something bright and shiny to stare at for hours on end, and the presents were more interesting for the boxes that held them, rather than the object inside.

Caris' Second Christmas 2010
Last year, she was finally getting the meaning of Christmas (well, the meaning a 1 1/2 year old can understand, anyway) and understood that all that stuff sitting out on Christmas morning was hers.  She looks so tiny in this picture!  She still wasn't sure about opening presents, or why everyone was at her house on Christmas Eve, with even more presents.  

So I hope you've enjoyed my little trip down memory lane.  Princess Caris has just finished watching Sleeping Beauty for the millionth time and counting.  I wonder what the big thing will be next year?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wonderful memories Angie. Same memories we have of your David and Julie.

  3. it's a different angle when it's Christmas through a child's eyes.... and we glow with the anticipation of how excited THEY will be - i am enjoying children's excitement again with my granddaughter - it is just adorable to see her grow here before my eyes! thanks for sharing !


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